Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notes February 2010 Council Meeting

Note: These are my personal notes from the council meeting. They are NOT the official minutes, nor should they be construed as an official record of any kind.

Boone County Council
Present: All Council Members except Kerry Kries, Secretary Heather Barton, Attorney Bob Clutter, Auditor Melody Price

Council approved the January 2010 minutes.

Prosecutor (Tonya Thayer):
Prosecutor is again requesting a reappropriation from a deputy prosecutor whose duties have been reduced to two other deputies. Ms. Thayer and Councilman Thompson have met repeatedly to discuss the changes, including with Auditor Price, with the resolution that the change is actually a re-alignment of duties which had been altered during Judge David’s deployment last year. Councilman Thompson stated that he was satisfied the request was appropriate and recommended the council approve.

Mapleview (no one present):
Needs to transfer $2,024 from Clerical to Cooks & Housekeepers to cover severance pay for two employees. (After the meeting, it was discovered that these funds had been encumbered from the 2009 budget, so those funds will be used instead of the reappropriation. The reappropriation will likely be rescinded at next month's meeting.)

Re-Assessment (Lisa Garoffolo):
Asked for a transfer of $2475.80 from Equipment to IT to cover an additional Comcast computer line for the Camp Street (Lebanon) and Zionsville offices, as well as a firewall. Includes a monthly fee for the year.

Elections (Andrew Wood):
Requested $9500 for an annual maintenance contract with Microvote. This is the same amount as paid in 2009, but had been inadvertently dropped from the 2010 budget request. Questions were asked about finding the funds in other lines, including the anticipated Title III funds coming as reimbursement from HAVA funds. As there is no way to know when those funds will arrive, or how much will be available beyond what is already committed, that option was rejected. Approved.

Courthouse Maintenance (Mike Martin):
Received a rebate of $750 from Vectren for courthouse boilers, and would like to apply this to a sound system to be used for courthouse functions. Approved.

Probation (no one present):
Grant money of just over $8000 received for educational materials for substance abuse programs. Approved.

Cum Bridge (Tom Kouns):
Requested $750,000 for four different bridge projects’ engineering phases in the replacement process. Also asked $200,000 for a fifth bridge to be brought online and replaced (in conjunction with one of the other four). The bridges will be scheduled for replacement in 2011, which will be included in next year’s budget. Approved.

ARC Rehab’s Brent Cardin came to give his mid-year report on ARC’s activities. One major change was the incorporation of Boone County’s Healthy Families program under ARC’s auspices, working often in conjunction with the WIC program. Cardin reported job placement and work skill training programs had been hit hard by the economic downturn, though things seem to be improving slightly in recent months, particularly in the job placement effort.

Western Boone School Corporation Superintendent Judi Hendrix and attorney Kent Frandsen asked the council, per state statute, to certify the corporation putting a referendum on the May primary ballot to request an increase in the general fund levy beyond the state-imposed caps. (The increase would be not more than 19 cents per $100.) The state statute merely instructs the council to certify the request to the election board, not to take a position on the referendum itself. The election board (county clerk) will certify the result back through the council after the primary. The council approved the resolution.

Karen Niemeyer, Director of the Thorntown Public Library, asked the board to re-appoint John Gillan to a four-year term on the library board. The council approved the appointment.

Kathy Clawson, representing the commissioners, requested a receipt line be created for reimbursement funds from INDOT for Boone County Trails. A line had been created within the commissioners budget, but needs an additional line in the general fund budget to receive the funds before transfer to the commissioners budget.

For the council’s information, County Attorney Bob Clutter addressed Whitestown’s Economic Development Commission’s (NOT Council’s) plan to approve an economic development bond totaling $31M. Steve Jacob, as the council’s appointee on that commission, raised concerns that the town of Whitestown and/or the county might be left on the hook if the bonds go into default. Jacob had multiple clarifications that they would not.

Heather Barton, Deputy Auditor, asked for clarification for funding overtime, county matches and other “benefits” for two sheriff’s deputies and the county recorder’s deputy, whose salaries had been transferred to separate fund lines during 2010 budget hearings. Sheriff Ken Campbell stated that he had budgeted these items from his general salary fund, and would likely need additional appropriations.

Steve Jacob reported on a two-day risk management seminar he attended last week on behalf of the county.


Sheriff Campbell advised that he would like to give the Sheriff’s annual report month. He also advised the council on the progress of proposed state legislation to combine enhanced 911 and wireless 911 funds. The only change it appears will be made is an effort to ensure “track-phone” providers contribute to the fund.

Highway Supervisor Tom Kouns reported on the groundwork being laid to be in line to apply for possible additional federal stimulus funds. He also plans to present a maintenance plan in the near future.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:35.

About the County Council

The County Council approves the county budget, sets the tax rate, borrows money, makes appropriations of funds and is responsible for county employee salaries, among other things. Essentially, the County Commissioners are the executive branch of county government, setting most policies and making decisions on issues as they arise, while the County Council is more like the legislative branch, approving those decisions (or not) and finding a way to pay for them.The Council has seven members, one representing each of four geographic districts and three at-large members. (I am one of the at-large seats, so wherever you live in Boone County, I am your representative.) Members serve four-year terms. Every voter is represented by a majority of the Council members: one member from the voter's district, plus three at-large members.

About Me

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Lebanon, IN, United States
I am a life-long resident of Boone County and a 1989 graduate of Western Boone High School. My wife Rylin and I, along with our children Matthew and Laura, live southwest of Lebanon on the old family dairy farm that has been in my family nearly 70 years. I am a graduate of Purdue University, and for the past 20+ years have taught history, government and English at Zionsville High School. I have a Master's degree in American Studies from Purdue and am working -- slowly -- toward a Master of Public Affairs degree at IUPUI. Before being elected to the County Council in 2008, I served six years on the Jackson Township Board, having first been elected in 2002. I also serve as the Council's representative on the board of the Boone County Economic Development Corporation.