Note: These are my personal notes from the council
meeting. They are NOT the official minutes, nor should they be construed as an
official record of any kind.
Boone County Council
Present: All Council Members present. Secretary Crystal Raub
Boone County Council
Present: All Council Members present. Secretary Crystal Raub
president Steve Jacob suggested implementing a new practice of assigning a
council member to review the meeting minutes each month in detail before their
distribution to the entire council. The
council approved the minutes of the July regular meeting as well as the special
meeting on July 20.
Court (No one present):Requested transfer of $198 from Equipment to Library and $115 from Office Supplies to Library. Approved.
(Penny Bogan):
$600 to meals and $500 to room rental from the HAVA fund. The council questioned the appropriateness of
moving these funds as a re-appropriation rather than an additional, as HAVA is
accounted as a separate fund, as well as whether the HAVA funds could be used
at all. In the end, all agreed to
revisit the issue next month as a larger additional appropriation request.
Plan (Rachel Curtis):Requested $7400 for replacement of two pick-up trucks (2005 & 2007) for one new truck rather than spend $4300 for repairs. The office has only one inspector, so can get by with one truck. Curtis believes that a new truck would save money long-term for repairs. Several council members asked questions about the current trucks (one of which is not running) and about the proposed new trucks. Commissioner Jeff Wolfe also indicated that the Commissioners have discussed making the older truck available for the use of the County Coroner. Eventually the council voted to table the request until its next meeting pending exploration of other options. Tabled.
(Lisa Ping)
$20,000 from the CCD fund to Building Repair to replace two Air Conditioning
units which are leaking Freon. Final
bids have come in at $14,000, so the council approved $15,000 rather than $20K.Requested $20,000 from the MVH fund to Professional Services for contract services with Appian, which is the county’s consulting agent assisting with finding and securing federal highway dollars. The commissioners had budgeted for only a six-month contract, giving the new highway superintendent the option to continue the service. Approved.
(Ken Hedge):
$1300 for Repairs, with unanticipated expenses including a truck and a Kubota
tractor. The line is currently in the
red; Hedge hopes this new funding will carry through the end of the year.
$3,600 for Travel/Fuel, as good weather has actually allowed his office to do
more work than anticipated, using more fuel than was budgeted for. Council members asked about the possibility
of using ditch maintenance fees for some of these expenses. Hedge explained that those funds can only be
used within each watershed for maintenance and repairs to legal drains. Approved.
(Jeff Wolfe):
nearly $1,700 be passed through to the Boone County Trails line from federal
grant money. Approved.
(Ken Campbell):
over $900 in transfers of money collected from inmates for items such as Postage,
Medical and other Inmate Supplies. Also
requested transfer of $312 for Part-time Clerical related to sheriff’s sales. Approved.Requested$38,000 for the AT&T Trunk Line for the 911 system monthly fees until a new contract – in the works since late 2011 – is signed and implemented. Approved.
Member Gene Thompson updated the council on highlights of the State Board of
Accounts annual meeting for county councils.
Among new legislative changes and other new policies to affect budgeting
for 2013: addition of auditor and treasurer to eligibility for the Elected
Officials Training Fund, exclusion of commissioners and councilors from the
state’s nepotism law, notice of the phase out of the Inheritance Tax,
electronic meeting attendance (but not voting), submission of fiscal body
budgets to the council by August 31with council review by October 2. The state has now combined all 911 financing
under council control with a new fee collection structure; the Board of
Accounts recommended tracking all 911-related expenses closely to demonstrate
that the fees will not be sufficient to cover them. Sheriff’s Pension Plans were also addressed,
with a recommendation that counties examine more closely the future funding
obligations of the plans as employees retire.
the changeover of staff in the auditor’s office, a few months’ of
Re-appropriation ordinances went unsigned.
As members were unsure how they had voted on all the requests involved,
council secretary Raub will be reviewing the tapes and reporting back next month.
Campbell asked for clarification regarding what information he would be asked
to provide and when for the pension plan questions raised at the state meeting
Mr. Thompson presented.
Campbell also introduced Chris Calloway of Morgan Stanley to explain some
changes to the sheriff’s pension plan payments.
Morgan Stanley is the trustee of/adviser to the county’s plan. With regulatory changes, Morgan Stanley will
now contract with Comerica Bank to issue payments to retired officers. Thus, the county’s contributions to the plan
will now go to Comerica rather than Morgan Stanley.
Norton, Director of the Boone County EDC, updated the Council on attempts to
create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) centered on
developing the I-74 interchange in Jamestown.
A preliminary discussion meeting was held last month with
representatives from four neighboring counties which Norton helps lay the
groundwork for moving ahead in the process.
Norton also updated the council on the probability of economic
development projects in both Zionsville and Lebanon, as well as some ongoing
project possibilities in Lebanon.
adjourned at roughly10:10
regularly-scheduled council meeting will be Tuesday, August 14, at 8:30 a.m.