Saturday, June 20, 2015


All council members present, except Matt Gentry; Secretaries Carla Newcomer and Chelsea Young.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council approved the minutes from its May meeting with only grammatical corrections.

Sheriff (Mike Nielsen):
Requested transfer of $20,000 from Corrections to Part-Time to meet costs of covering an open position while the hiring process runs its lengthy course.

Prosecutor (Lori Schein):
Requested just over $12,000 in a deputy prosecutor salary line to be subdivided into three other trial deputy lines in order to divide duties of an open position. This change also requires a change to the salary ordinance, as one (open) position is being reduced while three others are being raised.

Highway (Commissioner Jeff Wolfe & John Wilson):
As discussed last month, requested a total of $700,000 ($300,000 from EDC, $300,000 from COIT & $100,000 from Food & Beverage). The council’s budget committee (Wilhoite, Santelli, Rodgers) met earlier to discuss these options and recommended approving the remaining $300,000 from the COIT fund, which was approved. (Noting again: this is the first year in my seven on the council that the summer road maintenance program has been paid entirely out of current revenues!)
Also requested $200,000 from the Cumulative Bridge Fund for Bridge 13 to cover engineering, contracting and change orders. Approved.

Health (Greg Inman & Cindy Murphy):
Requested $2,297 of reverted funds from 2014 grant for Sharps Program. Approved.
Requested creation of a new fund to house state preparedness grant funds, as now mandated by the state. Current state rules require each grant to have its own fund, but moving forward all new state grant monies will deposit into this new single fund. Approved.

Clerk (no one present):
Requested $200 for Mileage for Absentee Ballot and Traveling Board for the elections. That amount had been approved in the budget, but was only enough to cover the May Primary. This appropriation will cover the November General election. Approved.

Probation (Kari Ragsdale):
Requested $405 for extradition expense. Approved.

Auditor Deanna Willhoite addressed the council in an attempt to clarify the role of the Auditor’s office in relation to the council, as well as to review procedures and reports for council members to use.
Auditor Willhoite and President Jacob also reviewed a request from the state for Boone County to participate in a pilot program to improve the process of Non-Binding Reviews of other taxing unit budgets. After some discussion, and in light of concerns raised by both Jacob and Willhoite, the council’s consensus was that we were not in a position to volunteer for the pilot. 
Steve Jacob presented a request to engage Umbaugh & Associates to update the county’s financial analysis, as discussed last month. Council moved to authorize Jacob to move forward.

Jacob also noted the upcoming state called county council meeting. Tom Santelli will be attending on behalf of the council, with Jacob and I also intending to go if possible.

I updated the council that the budget committee met this morning to begin organizing the budgeting process, including a request to department heads/office holders this afternoon to notify the committee of any anticipated special projects that may need to be included in that process. Auditor Willhoite also asked for clarification about the anticipated updates to the technology of the Connie Lamar meeting room. That project is being updated under the leadership of Tom Santelli on behalf of the council in conjunction with the commissioners and other office holders, and will likely be included under the
Commissioners budget.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30.

Next regularly scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, July 14, at 8:30 a.m.

About the County Council

The County Council approves the county budget, sets the tax rate, borrows money, makes appropriations of funds and is responsible for county employee salaries, among other things. Essentially, the County Commissioners are the executive branch of county government, setting most policies and making decisions on issues as they arise, while the County Council is more like the legislative branch, approving those decisions (or not) and finding a way to pay for them.The Council has seven members, one representing each of four geographic districts and three at-large members. (I am one of the at-large seats, so wherever you live in Boone County, I am your representative.) Members serve four-year terms. Every voter is represented by a majority of the Council members: one member from the voter's district, plus three at-large members.

About Me

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Lebanon, IN, United States
I am a life-long resident of Boone County and a 1989 graduate of Western Boone High School. My wife Rylin and I, along with our children Matthew and Laura, live southwest of Lebanon on the old family dairy farm that has been in my family nearly 70 years. I am a graduate of Purdue University, and for the past 20+ years have taught history, government and English at Zionsville High School. I have a Master's degree in American Studies from Purdue and am working -- slowly -- toward a Master of Public Affairs degree at IUPUI. Before being elected to the County Council in 2008, I served six years on the Jackson Township Board, having first been elected in 2002. I also serve as the Council's representative on the board of the Boone County Economic Development Corporation.